Location - Clearwater, BC - Wells Gray Park

Located in the town of Clearwater BC, Interior Whitewater Rafting and Adventures is proud to be able to claim the spectacular Wells Gray Provincial Park as its back yard and playground.
Clearwater, BC - Wells Gray Provincial Park
Helmcken Falls, Wells Gray Park   "At the town of Clearwater, about 180km from the North Thompson's glacial beginnings, the river is joined by one of the most spectacular tributaries of the Fraser system. Clearwater river is the culmination of an incredible concentration of waterfalls, rapids and chutes, probably the greatest in BC. It is a world of white water and blue lakes protected by one of the province's largest and finest parks, Wells Gray. This wilderness reserve stretches across more than 520,000 hectares of mountains and alpine meadows, recent volcanoes and lava flows, all drained by streams destined for the Clearwater River.

From its source in Clearwater Lake, the river has over eons carved a deep valley through lava and rock to the Thompson. Along the way streams drop into the Clearwater River from a plateau that lifts almost vertically above its east bank. From alpine meadows and tree-bordered lakes, streams tumble down mountain slopes towards the river, bursting suddenly into the valley as dramatic waterfalls, sometimes enfolded by curves of gigantic bowls carved in lava by falling water.

Helmcken Falls is the most celebrated: here Murtle River drops 142 meters, creating the fourth highest waterfall in Canada and one of the most spectacular in all of North America... Below the mouth of the Clearwater, the North Thompson is a broad, powerful river. The watersheds of both rivers are traditional territory of the North Thompson Band of the Shuswap nation."

Excerpt from "Mighty River - A Portrait of the Fraser" by Richard C. Bocking

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The Roxburn Family - Oxford, UK Had an amazing trip with Travis – it was so fun and adrenaline fueled. Thanks for such a good few hours. The Roxburn Family - Oxford, UK
Adrian & Natashea - Austria Another check on the bucket list, rafting, swimming and jumping from the rocks into the river. Great trip with great guides, Chris & Harry. Thanks a lot Adrian & Natashea - Austria
David, Warren & Neb - Belgium We had a blast. It was a great experience in a wonderful place. You turned a rainy day into a shiny memory. Maison & Travis are wicked. They’re the best, thanks and keep rafting. David, Warren & Neb - Belgium
Kinjal and Family First Trip of the year! And our first one ever! Thank you so much for an experience of a lifetime! Your kindness, hospitality, service, and warmth will never be forgotten. Thanks you Kenneth, Travis, and Harry for making this the best part of our trip. Kinjal and Family
A.G. The BEST RAFTING TOUR ever!!! If you are just booking, know before you go that you're about to have one of the BEST experiences of your life! Thank you IWE!!! A.G.
Big White Ski Resort It's been a month since our exciting day on the Clearwater, but we are still talking about it! The entire crew at IWE made the Clearwater trip our favourite rafting company! Big White Ski Resort
Manuel & Marc - Germany Definitely one of the most amazing experiences in contact with with such majestic nature scenery I have ever had the chance to live. The crew was absolutely professional and friendly. We had the chance to experience Canada and its cultural diversity in one single team and that makes the difference. We are coming back! Thanks for the amazing ride! Manuel & Marc - Germany
Allen and Karol Hume Best value for the money around. What a crazy good time. The 2 day trip was the bomb. Great guides. Very professional and fun Allen and Karol Hume
Dan McPherson  Blue River BC One of the best things I have done in Canada so far. Thanks for the amazing experience. Maison, Sebastian, and Kayley are awesome. Dan McPherson Blue River BC
Heather Wilson This was by far the most incredible trip ever! The guides were amazing and I loved the scenery. Thanks you so much! Heather Wilson